Welcome to C#
C# is a powerful language that is generally called a
Component Oriented Language. Now we have heard of Object Oriented Languages,
but what is a Component Oriented Language? Though the difference is unclear and
thin, the reason why this new concept has become associated with C# is that a
new technique was to be introduced that would develop software combining some
pre-existing features (OOP) and welcoming some new components. Some of the
components are:
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- Attributes (Metadata-Data about Data)
- Assemblies/Packages
Another major characteristic is the introduction of
Separation Of Concerns (SOC) and the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). SOC
is Separation Of Concerns via partial classes in C#.
Versions in C#
The following are the
versions so far. The data is from C# Indepth. Please visit or follow the book
to learn more about the various versions.
C# version 1
C# version 2: As said previously, in this version, Generics,
Nullable types(), anonynous types and Iterators(blocks) were introduced.
C# version 3: As said previously, implicit typing, object
and collection initializers, anonymous types, automatic properties, lambda
expressions, extension methods, query expressions were introduced.
C# version 4: As said previously, dynamic typing, optional
parameters, named arguments and generic variance were introduced.
C# version 5: As said previously, asynchronous functions,
caller info attributes, a tweak to foreach (one of the examples is
Parallel.Foreach (with Lambda expression)) and iteration variable capture were
introduced. Caller info attributes is a very new concept and an interesting one
too. These attributes track information about the calling methods/properties
and many more.
A small incident to share, I always wondered why C Sharp??
Is it a kind of successor to C++ or what? I always wondered and I feel many beginner
developers would be wondering. Thanks to Wiki the data warehouse for every bit
of concept in the world for letting me understand why? Without any delay,
straight from the WIKI,
The name "C sharp" was inspired by musical
notation where a sharp indicates that the written note should be made a
semitone higher in pitch. The sharp symbol also resembles a ligature of four
"+" symbols that thus implies that it is an increment of C++.
Now let's get along and start learning from the basics.
Camel and Pascal Case Notations
Every time a developer gets into these concepts, but
sometimes beginners like me would wonder what these actually are. Camel case is
used for naming fields whereas Pascal case is used for naming properties and
function names. In Pascal case, the starting letters in the multiword name are
capitalized whereas in Camel case except the very first letter is all capitals
as in the following:
- Pascal Case: GetSumFromNumbers.
- Camel Case: getFirstNumber.
Working with Variables, Operators and Expressions
Before getting into the variables, let's get into what an
identifier is. Identifiers are the names that are used to identify elements in
the program. In C#, there are the following conventions to be followed:
- Only letters are allowed (it may be uppercase or lowercase), digits and underscore(_) characters are allowed.
- An identifier should always start with a letter.
For example, _getSum, GetSum, Get_sum are valid identifiers.
Just to remember or keep in mind everytime that C# is case sensitive so getSum
and GetSum are different and provide different meanings. Keywords, there are
many keywords that are predefined in C#, for more info on the keywords, use the
following link: C# keywords Now let's get back to our topic of discussion,
variables. A variable is a location with memory or storage location that
stores/holds a value. A variable in a program holds a unique name, its like
madatory to provide it a unique name. A variable holds temporary information. A
variable is used to get the value that it holds after assigning. In the
following I specify the naming conventions to be followed when declaring
variables specified by the Microsoft .NET team:
- Underscores are advised not to be used.
- Variables names that differ only in capitalization should be avoided. Like, abcTest or AbcTest used in the same file and at the same time. This would also mean identifiers with the same name and different case should be avoided.
- It is advised to start the name with a lowercase. This would be consistent throughout since it would lead to easy maintenance.
- Camel case notations should be used, for example, abcTest, myVariable, as such.
- Declaring Variables is easy and simple. Usually the keyword var is used when the type is to be implicitly decided. If any datatype is already used during the declaration of the vriable, then it is explicitly typed.
As in the preceding piece of snippet, you can see the
statement ends with a semicolon ";" that simply marks the end so the
compiler knows that the statement ends there. The Equals operator is used to
assign the value to the declared variable. C# also uses the same the operators
that we as developers have been using in other programming languages (+(plus),
-(subtraction), *(asterix/multiplication), /(divide) and also the modulo
operator(%)). These are, as we know, called the arithmetic operators. We cannot
apply the arithmetic operations on datatypes except int (integer type) in a
similar way.
However using explicit
conversion, a string can be converted into integers. For increment the
values, the increment and decrements operators are also strongly followed in C#.
Understand your
first C# program
As we all know, every program follows a common rule that is Input, Process and Output. Let's have a go at it.
As we all know, every program follows a common rule that is Input, Process and Output. Let's have a go at it.
When we run the preceding program, we get the following
output. I am showing the output step wise, so that you get to understand the
importance of the Console.WriteLine and Console.ReadLine.
As we see in the image, the
console window opens when the project runs and asks for the first name. As we
see in the program, first comes Console.WriteLine(), then when the user enters
the name Console.ReadLine(), it plays its role and stores it in the variable
memory firstName
As we see in the image, the console window opens when the
project runs and asks for the last name. As we see in the program, first comes
Console.WriteLine(), then when the user enters the name Console.ReadLine(),
plays its role and stores it in the variable memory lastName.
Now when a final
Enter is pressed by the user trying to understand what the program is doing.
Yes, it gives the desired output. It concats the variables where the
names/values entered by the user are temporarily stored in memory. {0} {1},
this actually contains the values entered by the user when asked and as said
previously concats the input and displays the full name as the output. This
could also have been done by using the "+" operator like:
There are many libraries
that can be used in your program. These libraries need to be specified at the
top of your program, in other words where the Namespaces are and they
are used using a usingkeyword. :D Yes, so
many use! When on the console window, something needs to be displayed, Console.WriteLine() is used and
when we need to take the Input from the user and store it in memory, Console.ReadLine() is used. This
is a simple and basic difference. The {0} used in our program, acts as a simple
placeholder where the dynamic values are used by specifying the argument at the
end. The many the arguments, the many the placeholders to be used.
Thanks guys for having patience and reading through this. This is what I could cover in the first part and will continue some more interesting topics in the second part. Let's learn, let's explore and let's share.
Thanks guys for having patience and reading through this. This is what I could cover in the first part and will continue some more interesting topics in the second part. Let's learn, let's explore and let's share.
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