Deblurring is a main technique that used to removed the blurred noise from the blurred images.
Mat lab is an important platform to play with an images. Here we can simply remove blurred by using some filters.There are
- wiener filter
- regul filter
- blind filter
- lucy filter
% Load image
I = im2double(imread('C:\Users\KIRUVI5\Desktop\matlab_final\project\star.jpg'));
%read an image
%I = im2double(Image) converts the intensity image to double precision, re scaling the data if necessary.
%Image can be a gray scale intensity image, a true color image, or a binary image.If the input image is of class double, then the output image is identical.
subplot(2,3,1);imshow(I); title('Source image'); %show the image
by this mat lab code we can read the image from the file. Then we add the blurred to the image
% Blurre image
PSF = fspecial('disk', 15);
%set the point separate function***************for blurring if add gaussian, blind filter doesn't work
Blurred = imfilter(I, PSF,'circular','conv' ); %set the point separate in blurred image
Then we add the noise to the image.
% Add noise
noise_mean = 0;
noise_var = 0.00001;
Blurred = imnoise(Blurred, 'gaussian', noise_mean, noise_var); %add the gaussian noise
subplot(2,3,2); imshow(Blurred); title('Blurred image'); %show the blurred image
estimated_nsr = noise_var / var(Blurred(:));
%noise signal ratio = noise variance / variance of blurred image
Then used the filters to restores the images
% Restore image
subplot(2,3,3);imshow(deconvwnr(Blurred, PSF, estimated_nsr)), title('Wiener');
% add the wiener filter
subplot(2,3,4); imshow(deconvreg(Blurred, PSF)); title('Regul'); %add the regul filter
subplot(2,3,5); imshow(deconvblind(Blurred, PSF, 100));title('Blind'); %add the blind filter
subplot(2,3,6); imshow(deconvlucy(Blurred, PSF, 100)); title('Lucy'); %add the lucy filter
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